The Flashcard is a card containing information and functions related to each selected body structure in BodyMap.
You can select a body structure to open its Flashcard, which displays its related information and functions.

- Info: Show information of the selected structure
- Note: Show personal or organizational note of the selected structure
- Cross-Section: Show cross-sections of specific organs or structures
- Isolate: Show only the selected structure
- Pathway: Show how flows pass throughout the body
- Audio: Hear the name of the selected structure in English
- Close: Close the pinned flashcard
- Pin: Keep the flashcard open in the scene

- Flashcard Title: Display the name of the selected body structure
- Flashcard Content: Display the corresponding content of “Info” or “Note”
- Label Title: The names of the related body structures of the selected structure after selecting a section, eg., Parts, in the “Info” icon
- Label Description: The information of the related body structures of a selected structure
- Hyperlink: The names of the linked or directly relevant body structures of the structure mentioned in the Label
You can find information about each selected body structure by selecting the “Info” icon. The information shown depends on the structure selected but can include:
- Info: A brief description of the selected body structure
- Surfaces: The names of the difference sides or faces of the selected body structure, especially bones
- Parts: The names of the smaller structures that make up the selected body structure
- Landmarks: The recognizable points that will identify or locate other structures
- Course: The path or direction in which blood or a nerve travels or flows in the body
- Origin: Display where the selected muscle starts, typically a bone
- Insertion: Display where the selected muscle ends, typically a bone
- Innervation: Display the nerve that controls or communicates with the selected muscle or organ
- Blood Supply: Display the arteries that provide nutritions to the selected muscle
You can call out all the linked and directly relevant body structures of any structure by selecting the Hyperlink icon under “Info” in the flashcard.
How to open body structures related to a structure:
Step 1: Select a body structure of the 3D model
Step 2: In its flashcard, select the Hyperlink icon in the flashcard
Step 3: You will then see the related body structures of the selected structure
You can view additional information you added in MAI Portal about each selected body structure by selecting the “Note” icon. For step-by-step guide on how to add notes to flashcards, please go to the MAI Portal personal flash card section.
Please note that if you are using a Student account, the content you added will be a personal note only visible to you in BodyMap. If you are using an Instructor or Pro account, the note will then be an organizational note visible to everyone in your organization.
You can observe the inner surface of organs including skin, kidney, teeth, male and female pelvis, and heart.
Cross-Section Panel
This panel allows you to choose how you want to observe the cross-sections.
- Back Button: Click to go back to the 3D model in the main scene
- Title: The name of the organ
- Introduction: The information of the organ
- Anatomy View: Select from which angle you want to observe the Heart
- Anterior View: Observe the Heart from the front
- Superior View: Observe the Heart from the top
- Options:
- Structure Labels: Toggle to show or hide the names of all the relevant structures
- ECG: Toggle to show or hide ECG diagram and description (only available in the Heart’s Cross-Sections)
- Cardiac Cycle:
- Play Bar: Fast forward, remind, pause the pumping of the heart
- Speed: Play the pumping of the heart at normal or 0.5x speed
- Volume: Turn the beating sounds on or off
ECG Panel
In addition to cross-sections of the Heart, you can observe its ECG—the electrical activity of the heart as waves.
- Title
- Animation
- Description Toggle: Toggle to show or hide information of the electrical activity.
- Description Content:
- P wave: ****The first positive deflection on the ECG and represents atrial depolarization.
- QRS complex: It corresponds to the depolarization of the left and right ventricles of the heart and contraction of the large ventricular muscles.
- T wave: The positive deflection after each QRS complex and represents ventricular repolarization.
- PR internal: The time measured from the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex.
- QT internal: The time measured from the beginning of the Q wave to the end of the T wave.
The ECG Panel can be dragged using your controller’s Trigger anywhere in the scene.
You can focus on one specific body structure and hide the rest of the structure in the scene by selecting the “Isolate” icon.
If you are using BodyMap Pro, the “Isolate” function comes in 2 stages:
- Stage 1: Make the rest of the structures semi-transparent
- Stage 2: Make the rest of the structures fully-transparent
You can observe how flow passes throughout the body within the circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems by selecting the “Pathway” icon.
You can hear the pronunciation of the selected body structure in English by selecting the “Audio” icon.
You can keep multiple flashcards open in the scene by selecting the “Pin” icon. If a flashcard is not pinned, it will automatically close when you select another body structure. In a multi-user online session, each participant can pin their own flashcards, which cannot be closed by other participants.
You can close a pinned flashcard by selecting the “X” in the upper-right of the flashcard.
BodyMap Tutorials
Learn how to navigate the 3D model and utilize the tools to master human anatomy—all in one place.